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Let's Go Wildau! MediaMarkt feiert am 4. Oktober große Neueröffnung im A10 Center
Kundinnen und Kunden können sich auf ein vielfältiges Einkaufserlebnis freuen, bei dem sie Produkte entdecken und kennenlernen können. Modernstes Ladendesign, großes Sortiment, hervorragende Beratung sowie ein umfangreicher Service runden das Shopping.Angebot ab.
"It was clear to me from the outset: I won't stop selling at 65."
MediaMarktSaturn is not just any retailer. Our employees are the key success factor on our path to becoming an Experience Champion. Our company is as diverse and multifaceted as our employees, their tasks and their backgrounds. They are our Experience Champions - because they create a unique shopping experience for our customers. They tell their stories here.
"We are working together to empower women."
The Women in Retail initiative at MediaMarktSaturn creates a framework in which women can exchange ideas and build a network. But why is this necessary at all? In this interview, Ana Maria Jaime Salcedo, founder of Women in Retail, and Eva Posan, founder of Women in Retail International, explain why they set up the network, what milestones they have already achieved and where they want to take the initiative over the next five years.
Germany's best online shops: MediaMarkt and Saturn in first and second place has been named Germany's best online shop, closely followed by In the ranking by news channel ntv and the German Institute for Service Quality (DISQ), the two online stores took first and second place this year. Nine companies were evaluated in the category “Electronics with store network”.