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MediaMarkt Wildau Team

Let's Go Wildau! MediaMarkt feiert am 4. Oktober große Neueröffnung im A10 Center

Kundinnen und Kunden können sich auf ein vielfältiges Einkaufserlebnis freuen, bei dem sie Produkte entdecken und kennenlernen können. Modernstes Ladendesign, großes Sortiment, hervorragende Beratung sowie ein umfangreicher Service runden das Shopping.Angebot ab.

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CECONOMY increases sales and earnings in the second quarter of the financial year

// Sales increased by 6.4 per cent1 to €5.3 billion in Q2 2022/23, to €12.4 billion in the first half of the year (+5.51 per cent) // Strategic Services & Solutions business grows by 5.2 per cent to €323 million in the quarter // EBIT2 improved by €35 million to –€23 million; half-year figure amounts to €207 million // Free cash flow increased by more than €800 million in the first half of the year
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"Your moment. Our technology": MediaMarkt and Saturn plead for more mindfulness on Valentine's Day

In their new campaign spot on the occasion of Valentine's Day, MediaMarkt and Saturn show that technology is good - but at the right moment. In parallel, accompanying product spots with current offers provide examples of how technology can create precious moments with loved ones. Ingolstadt, 9. Februar 2023: Die Beziehung zwischen Liebe und Technik kann kompliziert sein. Daher schlagen MediaMarkt und Saturn anlässlich des Valentinstags ruhigere Töne an: Die Augen kleben am Handy-Display, Gaming-Abenteuer fordern die volle Aufmerksamkeit, das perfekte Selfie ist wichtiger als die Begleitung – der neue Kampagnenspot mahnt zu einem achtsameren Umgang mit Technik im Alltag und appelliert für mehr Zeit für die Liebsten. Ab dem 13. Februar läuft der Spot im TV und Kino sowie online.
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Corporate News: Sustainable retail: Additional recommerce offer at MediaMarktSaturn reduces electronic waste and CO2 emissions

MediaMarktSaturn continues to expand its range of recommerce solutions: From now on, customers can benefit from a sell-back service for numerous electronic devices – both in store and online. Europe’s biggest consumer electronics retailer is cooperating here with Foxway, the leading recommerce company. The company is thus expanding its buyback offerings. With this form of circular economy, MediaMarktSaturn intends to make a significant contribution to the reduction of electronic waste and CO2 emissions. The initiatives are an important component of the extensive company-wide sustainability initiative “BetterWay”.
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Corporate News: Let’s go!: MediaMarktSaturn launches new brand campaign for MediaMarkt all over Europe / New brand identity with focus on Customer Experience

MediaMarktSaturn has developed an international campaign concept for its MediaMarkt brand together with its new lead creative agency Saatchi & Saatchi. For the first time, it will be rolled out company-wide in all 13 countries in which MediaMarkt is active. The campaign is based on a new brand purpose and is thus characterised by the strategic reorientation of the company, which focuses on the customer experience and personal advice. The core and unifying element of the campaign is the claim "Let's go!", which interlinks all communication across all channels. In Germany, the campaign will start on 1 October 2022.
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Changes in the management of MediaMarktSaturn Germany

Gábor Szilágyi, MediaMarktSaturn’s CEO for Germany since February 2022, has decided to step down as CEO of the German national subsidiary and return to his native country Hungary for personal reasons. He will then take over responsibility for MediaMarktSaturn’s Hungarian national subsidiary on October 1, 2022, once again. Szilágyi’s successor at the helm of MediaMarktSaturn Germany (MMSD) will be Dr. Sascha Mager, previously Chief Digital Officer (CDO) and member of the Executive Committee of MediaMarktSaturn Retail Group (MMSRG), with effect from August 15, 2022.
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MediaMarkt awarded for outstanding omnichannel shopping experience

In the Google Omnichannel Excellence Study (GOES), Google and the German Retail Federation (HDE) examined how successful retailers from different sectors are in offering an attractive customer experience across all sales channels. The result in Germany: 1st place for MediaMarkt, 4th place for Saturn.
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